Many years ago, back in 1992, when I first got into raw food, there was much talk about the legend that was “The Raw Food Diet”.
All newbies aspired to it and went looking for it, while all experts of the time would espouse their way of eating as the way to go… and yet all of these ways were oh so different.
Confusion reigned. Heads were scratched. Brows were furrowed. Occasional wailing could be heard.
It genuinely felt like a hunt for the Holy Grail.
“What is The Raw Food Diet?”
“Where is The Raw Food Diet?”
We just wanted to know what it was, be given the plan and follow that plan as close to the letter as we could. How could it be so elusive when in principle it seemed so simple. Surely it was just some magic formula of fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds with the odd something else thrown in? How difficult could it possibly be?
Years went by, many books were read and yet none of us found it. No sooner did we think we had, we would hear about a different version of it and feel like we were back to square one.
No-one seemed to agree on what it was, be it newbies, experts or anyone in between.
And here is why:
Just as there is no such thing as “The Cooked Food Diet”, there is no such thing as “The Raw Food Diet”.
Think about it for a moment…
“The Cooked Food Diet” could just as easily be macrobiotic or MacDonalds. It could be carnivorous, plant-based or piscetarian. It could be steamed, boiled, grilled, baked, fried or microwaved. Technically all of these ways of eating would be classed as cooked food diets, and yet I’m sure we can all agree that none of these could take be deemed as THE cooked food diet.
So too is the case with raw foods.
Some people eat a high fruit raw food diet, some people eat a high greens raw food diet, some people go for “a little bit of everything” raw food diet, and these are just three examples of many.
So what to do with this?
How do you pick the right raw food diet for YOU?
Some of this is absolutely going to be trial and error. Just as you ate a variety of cooked foods growing up, you’ll also want and need to try a variety of raw foods to know which ones you like, which ones your body likes and which ones suit you best.
You’ll also want to take into account the following:
- The kind of life you want to live
- The amount of calories you need to consume
- The stage of life that you are in
- The circumstances of your life and who you live with
- The results you are looking to obtain
All of these and more are factors when it comes to creating the right raw food diet for you.
But there’s also another key factor that very few people ever talk about.
The elephant in the room, if you will.
And that is your Eater Type.
Yes, you have one! In fact, you have TEN! Except some of those are going to be way more dominant in your eating habits than the others.
And if you want to be successfully raw for the long-term and LOVE what you are eating (so important) then you absolutely will want to know which ones are dominant and why.
Stay tuned for more in the next article where I’ll dive more into the Eater Type basics and discuss how knowing your Eater Type changes EVERYTHING.
The last live run of "Go Raw with Karen" starts on Monday 25th January 2021 and it's now enroling!
The very special new BONUS of "The Raw Food Superhero Training" has been added and is available immediately to get you started right away.
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