Sometimes we forget how miraculous our body is. Sometimes we forget how beautiful, radiant and energetic it can be and just how much of a difference what we put it into it makes to how beautiful, radiant and energetic it actually is.
Up for a challenge?
If yes, I’d like you to try an experiment over the next few days. I’d like you to imagine – for at least one day - that your body is made out of glass and that, as such, every single thing that you eat and drink is visible to you when you look in the mirror and to everyone that you meet.
Furthermore, when you look at what you’ve put in, you can see exactly how it’s affecting your body and what your body is doing with it!
How does that make you feel?
Take a moment to jot down a few notes. Be honest, but be kind!
Once you’ve captured that, take a moment to think about everything that you have consumed in the past 24-48 hours. You don’t have to remember every little thing, but do your best to remember as many things as possible. Jot them down in a list so you can see them all laid out, piece by piece.
When you look at that list, how does that make you feel?
Spend at least one minute reflecting on this or the value of the exercise will be lost.
Now consider this…
If you were to continue eating like you’ve been eating during the past 24 hours every day of the week for the next 12 months, how would your health, energy and radiance be one year from now?
Would you be happy with that? Would you feel proud about that? Would you be blown away by your own progress and transformation or rejuvenation?
Or have you been eating and drinking things that you know aren’t the best for your body but for some reason you just don’t seem to be able to help yourself, or even understand why?
How do you feel about what you’ve uncovered? How do you really feel about it?
I invite you to answer all of these questions with complete honesty and zero judgement. Curiosity and awareness are wonderful, however judgement only creates feelings of negativity and is ultimately detrimental to your progress because it creates an internal divide.
Your feelings will reflect back to you what you really want and whether a change in your eating habits is required in order for you to feel truly happy and good about how you’re feeding yourself.
So if you find yourself feeling less than proud and excited about what you’ve been eating, consider this your friendly loving reminder… your body wants to amaze you. It wants to show you just how incredible it can be, and it wants to consume an extRAWdinary diet but it needs your help!
So here’s your coaching challenge:
Answer the following question…
What can you do within the next 24 hours to reconnect with your body and that happy place where you and your body can become amazing together?
Just think about your first step. The first step is the one that will restart your journey.
Share what your step is in the comments section below and I will send you a free gift to help you on your way!
Sig-up to my free call happening on Thursday 18th February, "How to Create an ExtRAWdinary Raw Food Diet" here.
It will help you get back into that happy place quicker than just about anything I know!