Dear Friend,
Hi, it’s Karen Knowler here, and if you’re looking to go raw, eat more raw or return to raw, then I’m super-excited to share that I have exactly what you need to get your raw food mojo UP again and to start bringing more raw food back into your diet in a way that you LOVE and can get excited about for the long-term.
But before we get to that…
Are you happy with the way you look and feel on a daily basis?
Would you ever say you feel amazing?
Are you confident that you’re doing the best for your body every day?
Do you have the energy it takes to get you through your day and go to bed still feeling as if you could do more?
Do you have a strong libido and enough energy to enjoy the sex life that you and your partner desire?
Do you have the patience to be a good parent, partner, employee, carer or colleague?
Are you able to think clearly and act from a place of peace and clarity, 99%+ of the time?
Do you feel in control of your thoughts, emotions and life choices and feel genuinely good about them?
Do you wake up feeling grateful for your health and confident that you are doing the best thing possible to look after your health, not just for the short term but the long term, too?
If your answer is “no” to any (or all) of the above questions then
You know it, and I know it:
Eating more raw food is going to make ALL the difference.
And I’m going to show you how!
If You’re Ready to…
Gain Energy
Lose Weight
Feel Better Than You Have Done in Years
Look 10 Years Younger
Improve Your Health
Get Rid of Niggling Aches & Pains
Shift Cellulite
Fall in Love with Your Body
Rev Up Your Libido
Wake Up Feeling Happy and Excited About Life
Eat More Nutrients Per Bite Than Ever Before
Feel Great About Everything You Eat
Feel Clean and Fresh on the Inside
Embrace a Whole New World of Foods and Eating
Create a Change that Will Benefit You For the Rest of Your Life
Feel as if You Are Truly Living Life to the Fullest
AND Feel Confident About Eating Raw The Right Way for YOU
Then “Go Raw with Karen” is exactly what you need!
"Go Raw with Karen" has been designed especially for people like you who want to look and feel amazing and make a change that will benefit every area of your life, starting with your diet.
In this 6-part program I will teach you - step-by-step - ALL you need to know to go raw on YOUR terms, AND you’ll actually MAKE the changes week-by-week in a way that is easy, simple, delicious and – I promise you – a whole lot of FUN!
“One of the best emails I ever received, was the one telling me about Karen Knowler’s “Go Raw With Karen” 6-week program! Of course I knew who she was, having seen that lovely smile, in the raw food world, over the years. So, hearing this, put a smile on MY face! That smile got even bigger, when I saw the price! Seriously?! What an amazing deal! It’s obvious that Karen is in it to help people.
I’ve tried being 100% raw and staying raw, for many years. But… well… you know. Finally! After this, beyond-amazing course, I can proudly say, “I am a raw foodie, baby!”
Karen’s program was just the kick in the butt I needed! (Thank you, Karen!) Seriously, the incredibly-written information, the live phone calls where all of our questions were answered, our own Facebook group, AND 50 delicious, EASY, recipes, make this program… PRICELESS!”
– Gabriele Agustini, Los Angeles, USA
We have 6x LIVE 75-minute calls on Zoom EVERY MONDAY starting on Monday 10th June 2024.
Calls start at 12:00pm Pacific / 3:00pm Eastern / 8:00pm London.
Each call is part training in conjunction with the relevant module, and then Q&A/coaching to support you on your own unique journey.
All calls are recorded and uploaded to a special online portal for you to log-in and access at any time.
You have access to all content and recordings FOR LIFE!
Here's the content you receive the moment you sign up!
The Importance of Having a BIG WHY or WHYs
The Crucial Role of Vision
How to Set Compelling Goals
How Much Raw Food is Right For YOU
The 10 Eater Types and How Vital They Are For Your Long-Term Success
Get clear on your WHY (or WHYs)
Create Your Vision
Set Your Goals
Discover How Much Raw Food is Right For YOU at This Stage
Discover your unique Eater Type profile (This changes EVERYTHING, forever!)
Fun & beautiful worksheets to map out your WHYs, Vision & Goals
How Much Raw? Assessment
What Type of Eater Are YOU? workbook & guidance
GRWK Binder Covers
FOOD: What’s Raw; Nutrition; Best Transitioning/Cooked Foods; Processing Methods; Shopping.
KITCHEN: Equipment; Gadgets; Optimum Set-Up & Zones.
ORGANISATION: Menu Plans; Routines; Shopping Lists.
OTHER PEOPLE: Dealing with Comments & Questions; Feeding Your Family; Socialising.
AWAY FROM HOME: Travel; Holidays; Eating Out
Decide What YOUR Raw Foods Are
Decide On Your Cooked Foods
Write YOUR Wish List of Equipment
Decide on YOUR Kitchen Zones
Write Your First Draft Shopping List
Get Clear on Your “Dealing With Others” Strategy
Make Clear Decisions About Family Involvement At This Stage
Create Your Socialising Strategy
Write Your Raw Travel Packing List
Create Your Eating Out Strategy
Fun & beautiful worksheets to create and map out your lists and strategies
Beautiful individual PDF teaching guides on EVERYTHING listed in “What You’ll Learn.” Read these at your leisure and file them in a binder to create your one-stop GRWK Bible.
BREAKFASTS: Different Types of Raw Breakfasts; Winning All-Raw Breakfast Recipes; Great High-Raw Breakfast Ideas.
LUNCHES: Different Types of Raw Lunches; Winning All-Raw Lunch & Packed Lunch Recipes; Great High-Raw Lunch Ideas.
SNACKS: Different Types of Raw Snacks; Winning All-Raw Snack Recipes.
DINNERS: Different Types of Raw Dinners; Winning All-Raw Evening Meal Recipes; Great High-Raw Evening Meal Ideas.
DESSERTS & SWEET TREATS: Different Types of Raw Desserts & Sweet Treats; Winning All-Raw Dessert & Sweet Treat Recipes.
DRINKS: Different Types of Raw Drinks; Winning All-Raw Drink Recipes.
Decide What YOUR Breakfast Options Are Going To Be
Decide What YOUR Various Lunch Options Are Going To Be
Decide What YOUR Snack Options Are Going To Be
Decide What YOUR Various Dinner Options Are Going To Be – Including With and Without Family
Decide What YOUR Dessert & Sweet Treat Options Are Going To Be
Decide What YOUR Drink Options Are Going To Be
Decide What Foods/Recipes You Are Going To Prep/Make In Advance So That You Always Have Plenty of Ready-To-Go Options
50 quick, easy, healthy and delicious raw food recipes split into the 6 different meal types. 95% take 10 minutes or less to make!
6x beautiful individual PDF teaching guides – one for each of the 6 meal genres listed in “What You’ll Learn.” These will be invaluable to you as you plan your meals both today and for YEARS in the future.
“Swap this for this” quick-reference sheet to use when making recipes that include an ingredient you don’t like or can’t eat for any reason
“How to Create Your Own Raw Food Recipes” step-by-step cheat-sheet for when you want to replicate a cooked food and make it raw
EQUIPMENT: Different Types of Equipment and What They Do – Electrical and Non; Best Buys for Beginners & More Advanced Purchases.
GADGETS & ACCESSORIES: The Cool Gadgets, Gizmos and Stuff That Will Make Your Kitchen a Happy and Wonderful Place to Make Your Raw Food Magic!
WORK ZONES: The Different Types of Zones You Can Create In Your Kitchen & What To Put In Each One. (These Zones save you time, money and energy and make food prepping much more fun!)
RECOMMENDED STAPLE FOODS & DRINKS: A Complete List of Foods & Drinks I Recommend You Keep In Your Kitchen At All Times, and Where to Keep Them.
HOW TO SPROUT: What is Sprouting?; What You Can Sprout; How to Do It Quickly & Easily; How to Grow Indoor Greens (E.g. Wheatgrass, Sunflower Greens.)
Decide Which Equipment You Are Going to Use, Buy & Borrow to Get Started
Create a Wish List For The Future!
Decide Which Gadgets, Gizmos & Accessories You Are Going to Use, Buy & Borrow
Decide Which Zones You Are Going to Set Up in Your Kitchen & What You’re Going To Put in There
Set Your Zones Up!
Create Your Own Raw Food & Drink Staples Shopping List
Sprout Your First Seeds, Grains or Beans!
OPTIONAL: Do a Partial or Full Kitchen Detox (Step-by-Step Instructions Given in Separate PDF Guide)
Beautiful individual PDF teaching guides – one for each of the 5 topics listed in “What You’ll Learn.” These will teach you all you need to know about equipment, gadgets, accessories, work zones, kitchen food & drink staples and how to sprout and grow indoor greens. Your GRWK Bible will now be packed FULL of amazing need-to-know information and you’ll know exactly how to set your kitchen up for short- and long-term raw food success!
“How to Detox Your Kitchen” – this invaluable PDF guide will walk you step-by-step through the exact process I use in order to detox your kitchen a little or a lot.
“How to Sprout “ & “How To Grow Wheatgrass & Indoor Greens” step-by-step videos to show you how I do it.
Why Menu Planning is Important
How To Plan A Menu Based On Your Eater Type/s
How to Plan A Menu So That Your Goals & Vision Come To Life
What Different Raw Food Menu Plans Look Like At Different %’s of Raw (3 Examples Given)
What MUST Be In Your Raw Food Menu Plan
How to Please ALL Of Your Eater Types (This practically prevents any chance of falling off the wagon for emotional reasons!)
How to Make Sure Your Nutritional Needs Are Met
What Batching is and How to Do It (Life-Changing!)
How To Make The Most of Pre-Made and Shop-Bought Raw Foods & Drinks And Where To Find Them (The ultimate solution when it comes to speed and ease!)
Create a First Draft Menu for Yourself Taking Into Consideration Everything You Have Learned So Far
Try That Menu Out the Following Week
Create a Shopping List for Your Menu Plan + Anything Else You Need to Add To Cover Your Nutritional Bases & To Keep Your Eater Types Happy!
Plan Out Your Batching Routine So You Know What You Are Making When
Create a “Made For Me” List of Foods & Drinks That Area Easy For You To Purchase or Order
SPECIAL NOTE: When you have all of these things in place you’ll have set yourself up for success, ease, joy and deliciousness, and the chances of you falling off the wagon, getting bored, feeling deprived, or not knowing what to eat are practically zero!
Beautiful individual PDF teaching guides – one for how to plan a menu based on your Eater Type, and one for how to plan a menu to bring your goals and vision to life.
3x Raw Food Menu examples
“What Must Be in Your Raw Food Menu Plan” Checklist
“How To Please Each Eater Type” Checklist
“How To Meet Your Nutritional Needs” Checklist
“How to Batch Your Food Prep” – a step-by-step guide to making the most food in the least amount of time!
Resource Guide for Pre-Prepped Food to Save You Time & Energy
Resource List Template page to create your own go-to list
How to Handle Social Situations with Ease and Grace
How to Eat Raw or High-Raw in Restaurants
How to Eat Raw At Other People’s Houses
How To Eat Raw at Christmas & During Other Family Holidays
How & When to Make Concessions
How to Get Back on the Wagon Quickly & Easily When You’ve Eaten More Cooked Food Than You Wanted To
Create Your Own Game Plan for How You’ll Approach Social Situations in a Way That Feels Good To You
Create Your Own Plan for Eating Raw in Any Restaurant and Those That You Eat At Regularly
Create Your Own Plan for Eating At Other People’s Houses
Create Your Christmas and Family Holiday Eating Strategy
Get Clear On When You’ll Make Concessions, and What They Are
Beautiful individual PDF teaching guides – one for how to handle social situations with grace and ease + when to make concessions, one for eating raw in restaurants, one for eating at other people’s houses, one for family holidays, one for traveling and eating raw on holiday, and one for how to get back on the wagon
Fun and beautiful worksheets to map out your own game plans, strategies, packing and prep lists
“I’m a young baby boomer who had been searching 10 years for this program.
I began with a raw food recipe book that was a gift from my brother. I started to attend local raw food classes and lectures from leaders in the field. I immersed myself in the raw food community. Still something was missing…
The problem is learning raw food recipes is not enough. Recipes don’t tell you the why, what and how of raw foods. The truth is most people need a little hand-holding, including myself. We need to ask questions. Thankfully my questions were answered when I found the “Go Raw with Karen” program.
The program is absolutely amazing! Karen knows what she is doing, her system has been fine-tuned and makes so much sense. It’s not a one-size fit all program. Her system is designed to put you in charge by giving you the knowledge to support and sustain your body. Step-by-step she covers all the bases. I had many a-ha moments and it all came together.
No gimmicks, no brow beating, and no questions are dumb. The information provided will last me a lifetime.”
– Mrs. S. Garrison, Michigan, USA
No! This program has been especially designed to take you from ground zero all the way through to eating as much raw food as you want to eat. Some participants want to get to 50% raw, while others want to aim higher – it all depends on your own unique needs and circumstances and is totally personalised to you. If you have tried raw food before, be it a little or a lot, you will definitely find the missing pieces of your knowledge puzzle here and set the scene for long-term success.
This is the program for you if:
🍓 You've been wanting to go raw/eat more raw/get back on raw for some time now but just haven't made it happen on your own.
🍓 You want to feel better, look better and feel great about the way you're eating, period.
🍓 You love raw food, or want to, but need a helping hand to get into your groove, for the first time, or hundredth time.
🍓 You realise that change takes some time and energy and you're willing to put in six weeks of your life in order to make these changes and love making them every step of the way!
🍓 You suspect that, if left to your own devices, nothing will probably change and you don't want that to happen.
You receive access to ALL 6 modules right away!
All of the content PLUS all bonuses are housed in a beautiful password-protected online portal where you can reference the program for life, or download and save everything to your own personal computer - or both!
Then we bring the program to life by having WEEKLY live calls where I'll walk you through one module per week and then answer any questions or provide coaching as needed.
The recordings of these calls will be added to your online portal after each call has completed.
Within your online portal you'll also have a special place to ask questions and share resources/celebrations/challenges as you go.
Call details:
Every Monday for six consecutive Mondays, starting Monday 10th June 2024.
Each call will run 75-minutes on Zoom.
You'll also receive a weekly reminder email to access the next module and get ready for the next call.
In short? I've got you covered!
Not only do you receive all of the above as part of the GRWK program but also these invaluable bonuses:
As a special bonus to help you get started right away I’m also giving you the 184-page eBook version of my best-selling print book “Raw Food Made Simple.”
Comprising of chapters titled:
- So what is raw food and “The Raw Food Diet”?
- Benefits, benefits
- All or nothing?
- “So what do you eat?”
- Making the change
- Equipping your kitchen
- Raw shopping
- Raw food nutrition
- Family & social situations
- Time, money & energy issues
- Your 5-day raw lifestyle plan
- Go raw! action steps summary
- Final word: it’s your story – you decide
- 15 quick, easy & delicious raw food recipes
- Raw transformation stories
This eBook will give you a great overview of all you need to know to get off to a flying start with this program.
Ever get stuck or confused about what exactly to eat?
No longer available to buy, this 55-page eBook contains everything you need to go raw for 7 days and have a ball doing it!
What You Can Expect
Common Questions
Your Go Raw for a Week Menu
Preparatory Checklist
How to Make the Menu Plan Work For You
Get Internally Aligned For Success
Get Externally Aligned For Success
Your 7 Day Menu Plan
Day 1 Check-In
Day 8 Check-In
See and Feel the Difference
Complete set of recipes for the plan
Easy Ordering Restaurant Cards
Going Deeper
It's super-easy to use and follow and is great to work through before or after “Go Raw with Karen”.
As Christmas Dinner can be the trickiest meal to negotiate raw, I’m also bonusing you with a gorgeous Raw Christmas Banquet recipe eBook that you can use to totally wow yourself and your guests, whether they choose to eat raw with you or not.
Recipes are:
- Crumbled Portabello
- Meatloaf
- Spiced Cranberry & Pomegranate Relish
- Caramelised Onion
- Creamy Mushroom Gravy
- Kilted Sausages
- Herb-Infused Maple & Pecan Sweet-Potatoes
- Pear & Dried Winter Fruit Stuffing
- Mince Tarts with Cashew Cream & Spiced Eggnog Sauce
All recipes are raw and vegan and have been provided for you by one of the world’s top raw food chefs, Russell James.
“Karen’s class was outstanding in every way!
Her wisdom, guidance, and experience, plus the incredible amount of helpful information she provides you with in the GRWK course is unlike any other six-week program I’ve seen.
She gives all of herself to her students, and shares freely any information that will help you embark on your own raw journey. It is all presented in a welcoming, honest, inspirational, and very non-judgmental manner.
Excellent value for your investment!
Highly recommended.”
– Dawn Byford, Banff, Alberta, Canada
Ready to GO RAW with expert guidance from Karen, the company and cheerleading of like-minded health seekers and a step-by-step approach to RAW SUCCESS that will be a whole lot of FUN?
Get started right away by securing your spot below!
* EU + UK residents: VAT will be charged at checkout.
USD prices are approximate and are subject to the normal currency fluctuations.
Click here to get the most up-to-date price in your native currency.
REFUND POLICY: We have every confidence that this program will far exceed your expectations and that its value is many times over your investment. In order to prevent abuse of our system, and because you receive access to ALL of the content right away, we do not offer a refund on this program. For this reason, when you sign up for this program it must be with the understanding that no refund will be given, and that you are happy to join the program on that understanding. If you have questions, feel free to email us at support[at] We are always happy to discuss this with you personally if you have questions.
"This course arrived at the perfect time and I am super glad I jumped at the opportunity!
I needed to get back on the green track and I am really grateful to Karen for her great knowledge and inspiration! It has been an incredible experience!
On the GRWK course you learn more than just raw food. Of course you have your recipes, how to set the kitchen, what utensils might be helpful, how you can tailor specific food to each individual.
You also learn about yourself, which I really loved and appreciated.
It is also about being creative and out of the box! I am not new to raw food, but here I found so many new ideas, advice and certainly motivation. Karen’s passion is contagious! Being part of a group who shares similar interest has really being a bonus!
Do I recommend this course? Definitely YES!”
– Daila M. Consolaro, Italy
"If I were to want to obtain a black belt in Kungfu, then I would find someone with a black belt in Kungfu and do what they did! So that's what I did! Only instead of Kungfu, I was seeking someone who has been living successfully with Raw Food.
I have been playing around with raw food for at least half a year, always finding myself face deep in a bag of potato chips after five days.
I am so grateful I found Karen Knowler, as I find her approach to be quite pragmatic and practical. The first week of GRWK set the tone for the entire experience and was pivotal in my raw food process, and has provided me with the missing pieces to remain lucrative in my raw food adventure! The ongoing support of the group and weekly calls with Karen's guidance has provided me with the tools to become competent with my raw food journey.
If you're someone who feels called towards a raw food lifestyle, and not quite sure how to integrate it as a lifestyle, then I highly recommend signing up for the GRWK!"
- Toni-Lee Hazlett, Alberta, Canada
"I am WOWed by module one of the 'Go Raw with Karen' program.
Being raw vegan for 6 years some time ago, I thought I knew about the lifestyle and that I just needed a supportive community to get back to it.
But as I worked through module one, I realized this is so much more than just figuring out how I can return to my desired high-raw lifestyle and the radiant health that lifestyle gave me before.
For me, this program is about connecting with myself in a profound way, cultivating that relationship and living into my dreams. I am astounded! This is really spectacular!
And I wonder if I would have stayed radiantly raw and healthy before, if I had this information all those years ago."
– Mia Marcum-McCoy, Washington, USA
"I have been wanting to take Go Raw With Karen course for quite some time.
When the opportunity came up again I knew I needed to sign up.
Although I didn't finish the course per se (I plan on finishing it up during the summer), I learned some very valuable key pieces of information about myself from what I did complete in the course.
I was working 60+ hours a week and was having a hard time keeping up. Karen wisely advised me to complete week 1 as that was key to the whole program. I spent many hours making sure that week was complete. As I mentioned before, Karen absolutely was able to help me describe myself and how I move through life, not just with living a raw lifestyle. It was definitely eye-opening!
I wholeheartedly recommend this course to everyone who desires help in making measurable changes and shifts in becoming a healthier and happier person!"
- Cindy Richards, Utah, USA
“I can’t say enough about the Go Raw With Karen 6-week course.
This is not just recipes and a few tips. Karen’s modules take you on an individualized experience into raw foods. She doesn’t push her agenda on you; she provides her experience and knowledge and gives you the tools to delve deep into what will work for you including what type of raw food eater you are.
There is an overall plan that covers areas that I had never thought of that make such a difference in my food shopping and food prep. I especially loved all the information about how to go about organizing and detoxing a kitchen. I was able to transform my kitchen to make food prep a fun experience.
Being able to ask her questions on the weekly calls truly personalized the whole course. She also answered questions on the private Facebook group. I love that I can continue to learn from the many modules in the program and the bonuses. Thanks, Karen!”
– Andrea, Texas, USA
Ready to GO RAW with expert guidance from Karen, the company and cheerleading of like-minded health seekers and a step-by-step approach to RAW SUCCESS that will be a whole lot of FUN?
Get started right away by securing your spot below!
* EU + UK residents: VAT will be charged at checkout.
USD prices are approximate and are subject to the normal currency fluctuations.
Click here to get the most up-to-date price in your native currency.
REFUND POLICY: We have every confidence that this program will far exceed your expectations and that its value is many times over your investment. In order to prevent abuse of our system, and because you receive access to ALL of the content right away, we do not offer a refund on this program. For this reason, when you sign up for this program it must be with the understanding that no refund will be given, and that you are happy to join the program on that understanding. If you have questions, feel free to email us at support[at] We are always happy to discuss this with you personally if you have questions.